“The 2022 edition of the International Space Station Benefits for Humanity publication is now available. This updated edition is packed with numerous benefits of the microgravity laboratory highlighting groundbreaking discoveries helping society, technologies tested for future space exploration, new scientific breakthroughs, and contributions to the growing low-Earth orbit (LEO) economy”.(nasa)

“Some of the benefits featured in this edition include how:

  • Advances in X-ray technologies that were developed to create NICER, a space station telescope, are helping unravel the mysteries of our universe while improving medical devices on Earth.
  • Drugs, cancer treatment strategies, and artificial blood developed from protein crystal growth studies aboard station are improving human and animal health.
  • Data from NASA’s ECOSTRESS payload has been employed in efforts to reduce heat absorbed by city surfaces, reduce fire risk, and help farmers efficiently water their fields.
  • Station is inspiring the next generation of scientists by providing opportunities to conduct meaningful studies on topics such as DNA sequencing, robotics, and satellites in orbit.
  • The orbiting laboratory is advancing the field of in-space manufacturing, from 3D printed human tissue to optical fibers for communication.” Source (Nasa)

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