

While we live, lets live. An informal , original place to read interesting thoughts, ideas and stuff about life and innovation.


Emerging Technologies

Elegant and Innovative Retail In Real Life. On in Off . #unfold your world with #galaxy. #london. Aug Unpack 2022. What an amazing space transformation @regent street.

Although no one ever complains that their computer is too fast, there are times when hardware can make a huge difference. Memory and Speed Is the key in today’s data driven world, hyperconnected. “transfer up to 1.1-terabytes (TB) of data, or about 275 Full HD movies, in just one second.” POWER Your Graphics across Screens.

Without hardware, machines are just too slow. Thanks to SSD's and Memory solutions that run today's modern machines faster than ever. From HDD's to SSD's. Rapid growth. Here’s the history of memory (source : intel) Shift Registers RAM:  Random-access memories... Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Leo Economy. R&D in space (on) is a new chapter for us on land (off). From products to services, humans to robots, all real time. To improve life on earth too. Future is now!

"The 2022 edition of the International Space Station Benefits for Humanity publication is now available. This updated edition is packed with numerous benefits of the microgravity laboratory highlighting groundbreaking discoveries helping society, technologies tested for future space exploration, new scientific breakthroughs,... Continue Reading →

Formula 1 2022. The car is “designed specifically to promote better racingdesigned specifically to promote better racing”

Lamborghini – It’s a lifestyle.

Who doesn't like these cars. More than a car, it's a lifestyle. Check out Mudetec - The Lamborghini Museum.

Retail changes faster than humans. At the end, it creates and caters to our behaviors and changes with time, always ahead of us. Retail Was, Is & Will change the way we engage with the physical world. #lifeinretaIl #lifenovation

Tesla’s Cyber Truck search results On Google—last 90 days vs last 9 days (Nov)..#Norway leads, followed by Serbia and Canada. Strange!!!! #Teslacybertruck, #All-terrain.@lifenovation

Tesla's new Cyber truck has surely helped Google with more traffic in November 2019. Check out Google Trends (Last 90 days). #90 days vs 9 days search results. Norway seems to be interested in the new Tesla Truck All Terrain... Continue Reading →

0&1…Together… This could change everything. Power of Quantum. Google says Sycamore Quantum Processor may achieved “quantum supermacy” ..

Source: bbc "Google says an advanced computer has achieved "quantum supremacy" for the first time, surpassing the performance of conventional devices.The technology giant's Sycamore quantum processor was able to perform a specific task in 200 seconds that would take the... Continue Reading →

OmniChannel is Not New. But the meaning in 2020 is different!!

E-commerce/Online players opening offline stores is not a new trend. It's been happening at different pace in different Geographies around the world. Zalora in Singapore opened their store years ago. Even Amazon could not resist. Shopify also started their offline... Continue Reading →

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